
Karan johar vandhana Melwani

Monday, June 13, 2011

Latest News: Pictures of Karan Johar's Fiance Vandana Melwani
Karan Johar's Fiance thirty-one year old Vandana Melwani is an Economics and English literature graduate and after completing a brief stint as a management consultant, she went on to get her MBA. Currently, Vandana who belongs to one of ...

Karan Johar Getting Married to Vandana Melwani?
The rumor mills are going strong with Karan Johar's impending marriage with Vandana Melwani. He met her during the shooting of My Name is Khan in New York.

KJo Rumors - Karan Johar's News Blog: Karan Johar, Vandana Melwani ...
News Blog of Karan Johar where you will catch every buzz and rumor about India\

Karan Johar Wife รข€" Rumors Around His Wife and Marriage
So when the buzz went around that Karan Johar had finally fallen in love, it created a sensation. According to rumors, his lady love was called Vandana Melwani. She was settled in New York and her father was an old ...

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