Dual-Mode iPhone 5 Shows Up in App Developer Logs - Mac Rumors
Techcrunch reports that at least one developer has found evidence that Apple is testing the iPhone 5 against current App Store apps. The logs seem...
Source: The iPhone 5 Will Indeed Be A Dual-Mode CDMA / GSM 'World ...
The upcoming iPhone 5 will almost certainly be a single phone that supports multiple networks, namely CDMA (such as the one used by Verizon or Sprint in the United States) as well as GSM (which is used by AT&T and ...
iPhone 5 Hard Shell Cases Begin to Appear for Sale - Mac Rumors
New "iPhone 5" cases based on the leaked design document have started appearing online. True Supplier has posted a new "hard shell"...
The iPhone 5 Will Be A Global Phone That Works With Both GSM And CDMA
iPhone 5 is the rumored latest version of the Apple's iPhone. It's planned to be released in the summer or fall of 2011. The iPhone 5 might be unveiled in the last week of June at a special event that is currently ...
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